Wiseguy Attitude Edition #06

Edition #6

Wiseguy Attitude

Name: Detelina Vasileva

Instagram: @detelina.lv

Hello Detelina! It would be great if you could introduce yourself briefly.
I am a forty-three year old woman. I am a photographer and "content creator". As you know, I am the wife of widely known Pinky Balls. I am spiritually inclined and a woman of few words! I am from Bulgaria and have been living in Belgium for ten years now.

About style

We see you rocking a lot of different styles on Instagram. How would you describe your style?
I used to wear Buffaloes a long time ago, but I don’t think I will wear them again. I don’t have a favorite outfit! I usually dress according to how I feel at that moment.

Are there things you wore in the past which you’d never touch again? And what is your favorite outfit?
My style often ranges from regular jeans to very stylish, as I show myself on Instagram actually.

Do you have any style idols?
No not really but I do like fashion designers in general.

Are there products you consider wearing but have not made it to your wardrobe yet?
Honestly no, I am someone who can easily enter a second-hand store and buy something for a few euros and it must also be affordable. I like that about Wiseguy, for example. You have a wide price margin and there is something for everyone good quality for a fair price!

Do you think suspenders were never out of fashion or were they out of fashion and making a come-back now? Do you have style advice for women who want to wear supsenders?
I wouldn’t know but I really like wearing them myself. I see very few women wearing suspenders, which is very unfortunate as it gives so much more character to your clothing style! My advice to women is to just wear them. You can wear them with anything, from jeans to dress pants.

About work

In the Wiseguy Attitude Edition #04 we interviewed your boyfriend Dimitri Loubry/pinky_balls. He told us you are not only a talented model yourself but you are an excellent photographer and video editor. Do you have a background in photography, filmmaking and art-direction?
I’m not just going to agree as there is always room for improvement. I have not had any training in photography or moving images. Dimitri photographed himself and that was not so easy and one day he told me to help him out. "You are going to photograph me which is much easier." The first pictures were not great, we both laughed very hard.

We are both very much into with video. Dimitri is an actor and I am now his personal camerawoman and I direct him as well.

Could you give us a little behind the scenes glimpse? What is it like to work together with your partner?
In the beginning it was not so easy as our Pinky Balls is someone who likes perfection and has little patience, haha. But overall we get along well and we have about the same style in our work. We laugh a lot together as we mostly record comedy videos.

You are very active on social media; what makes you tick and how do you create interesting content on such a regular basis?
In the beginning we posted every day of the week on Instagram, but this is no longer feasible. Now we post maximum three times a week. It’s not like we shoot photos or videos every week. If there is a question from a company, we schedule that. Usually we shoot for two days and that content can be used for a few weeks.

Wiseguy is very fortunate to have you join our Ambassador program, your posts and videos attract lots of positive reactions - as a matter of fact the highest likes and interaction on Instagram! Do you have a secret formula, if you want to share?
Is that right, very sweet of you to mention that. There is no secret formula, I think that staying consistent is one of the most important things for good content creation. And not to mention: also a dose of luck is needed.

Are you on TikTok as well? Do you think there is a difference between posting content on TikTok and Instagram? If so, what are these differences?
TikTok, no, I might consider it someday but we both decided to concentrate on YouTube. What I do know is that you can’t possibly offer good content in a time span of five to twelve seconds. That is reserved for super professionals or just a few creators! Those five to twelve seconds are just a rule to please the algorithm, we don’t participate in that.

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